Chocolate: The most important food group

I’m baaaaaaaaack! Yikes! Sorry for my absence, lots and lots of stuff happening over here and unfortunately the bloggie got pushed to the side 😦 but onwards and upwards, let’s get to the exciting little treat I’m sharing today. I’m a boring breakfast gal, I like my fruit and coffee and that’s it. Matt (le boyfriend) is so much better at breakfast than me and does this overnight oats concoction with all kinds of superfoods mixed in. Sometimes I get jealous and sneak a few bites, but I always go back to fruit. Anyway, this morning I was feeling adventurous and decided to make my own version using chocolate Sun Warrior. I always thought protein powder was reserved for those who are interested in building some serious muscle. Then I realized, as a wannabe vegan, I’m not getting much protein any way so a little extra can’t hurt. Sun Warrior is of the raw vegan variety and the ingredients are phenomenal (hemp seed protein, pea protein, cranberry protein, and so on). This recipe is a delicious little breakfast, but also a perfect pre/post workout snack. It hit the chocolate craving sweet spot and I will definitely be making it again. After all, chocolate is the most important food group. Right?

chocolate chia pudding

Chocolate Chia Pudding

serves 1

1/2 scoop of Chocolate Sun Warrior

1 TBS of chia seeds

1/2 TBS hemp seeds

1 TBS of unsweetened cocoa powder (preferably raw cacao but I didn’t have any)

coconut milk

dash of sea salt


Place the chia seeds and hemp seeds in a small bowl and cover with coconut milk. Leave to thicken for at least 15 minutes (preferably over night). Then mix in the Sun Warrior, salt and cocoa, if the mixture is too thick add a bit of water until you reach your desired consistency. I find Sun Warrior sweet enough, but feel free to add a bit of stevia/honey/agave if your sweet tooth calls. Devour.


Enjoy your Monday!


